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Christmas Island: DIY Bonefishing Paradise

I concede, Christmas Island may not be the first place that comes to mind for DIY fly fishing. Sure, you’ve heard of the place, everyone has; tons of fish, miles of country and not a lot of fishing pressure. The interior of the atoll is generously littered with beautiful flats. These interior flats are vast and varied, but can’t be reached by the ungainly transport boats that ferry the guided fishermen about. This is great news for the DIY enthusiast as you’ll get them all to yourselves.

As far as tropical fishing destinations go, you can’t get much better than Christmas Island. Bonefish, trevally, triggerfish and milkfish populate this small slice of wadable heaven. It’s relatively inexpensive as far as fly fishing destinations go. Choose another location where you’ll get legitimate shots at trevally and prepare to spend at least four times as much. DIY Fishing here doesn’t mean you have to give up targeting any of the species that guided folks have access to. Even better, these interior bonefish aren’t hassled nearly as much, and on average are larger than the three pound average. Huge giant trevally roam these interior waters along with their smaller cousins, the bluefin and golden.

DIY fishing on Christmas Island means you don’t have to compromise. If guide-free fishing is what you live for, give Christmas Island a hard look. It will not disappoint!