On the Hunt... Fly Fishing for Milkfish!
Christmas Island has a healthy population of huge Milkfish. Find the sipping schools of fish, sneak into casting range and let the current keep you there. You will have countless shots, but getting them to eat isn't easy!

Crab Legs...
“I’ll just back into this chair leg and no one will see me. From there it’s a quick dash into the room. Once I’m in…”
This was the crab that, day after day, tried to get into our room at Lagoon View Resort. While all crabs may basically…

Lagoon View Resort
Lagoon View Resort on Christmas Island is a fly fisherman's paradise. A sailboat in the front welcomes you to the only Kiritibati lodge catering to the DIY fly fisherman. Great service, meals and a bonefish flat out back. You can't beat it!

The Endless Flats of Christmas Island
A bird's eye view of the seemingly endless flats of Christmas Island. For the DIY do-it-yourself fisherman, there is so much to explore. A true fly fishing dream. Bonefish and Trevally of all sizes cruise the hard-packed edges and chances are…